To The Nurse Who Listened…

To the nurse who listened,

When we were flown to BC Children’s Hospital earlier this year, you went above and beyond to not only care for Dylan, but to also take care of me. During our hospital stay, things became very difficult from so many different angles and I was struggling with so much of it.

I started my day out at work and ended it by being flown to Children’s Hospital with Dylan who was in sepsis and was the most unwell I have ever seen him. My family was also now divided in two places as Brian had to stay with Mason in Vernon, which is always difficult all on its own. What you likely did not know is at the same time, we were also told Brian wouldn’t be able to donate his kidney to Dylan, and our counsellor who had been helping us through everything for the past 2+ years, suddenly passed away. Things in our world quite literally came crashing down all at once. I was exhausted and felt quite defeated.

You came in with your bright personality that alone, made me feel in happier spirits. As the exhaustion and defeat were heavily weighing on me, the feeling of not really being listened to came down quite hard on me. You listened to me though.

You spent a lot of time with me while you had patients you needed to attend to. You stayed and you listened.

You calmed me right down and made me feel like everything was going to be okay.

You took extra steps to help advocate for Dylan, which is something I often feel Brian and I are alone in doing.

You made me feel like I wasn’t crazy and how I was feeling was understandable and justified.

You helped me stand back on my feet so that I could be strong for Dylan.

You went above and beyond what you needed to do in your job and you did everything that I needed that day.

Once we were discharged and Dylan was doing well, I felt the strength to stand my ground and continue to advocate strongly for what I felt was right for Dylan, thanks to all of your help. A few changes were made and boy was it a night and day difference! Dylan, who is known as a heavy vomiter, stopped vomiting. We were able to do more as a family because Dylan was actually feeling well. He even got a cold and didn’t require IV fluids which was a first! Dylan and Mason were able to play more together because Dylan now had more energy and no nausea. These last few months, Dylan’s quality of life was significantly better and you are largely to thank for that.

I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to listen and take care of me that day so I was able to take care of Dylan again.


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